Death and Resurrection of Poltical Economy – how economics changed with the birth of Neoclassical Economics and how it can be changed again
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Silja Graupe auf Einladung der Gruppe „Pluralism in Economics Maastricht“ des University College Maastricht. Beschreibung des Vortrags:
There is no doubt that with the birth of Neoclassical Economics abstract-mathematical knowledge established itself as the ideal of economic science. But it seems unclear which ideals of knowledge and science had to make room for it. By the means of frame-semantic analysis of early neoclassical texts, Silja Graupe reveals how authors central to this school of economic thought, such as Walras, Edgeworth, Fisher and Marshall, changed the central cognitive frames of economic science. In her talk she will present the shift of the motivation, objects, ideals and means of economic science from the tradition of Political Economy to Neoclassical Economics and its consequences. With regard to the current fundamental crisis of economics, Silja Graupe points towards new ways of economic science which also lead her back to its roots.
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